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Our Sustainability Pledge

Nowadays, more than ever, there is a discussion and increased awareness around climate change and environmental issues. While many of us do our bit to help where we can, here at MacGregor and MacDuff, we believe that change starts from the top and aim to lead by example. It is our goal to be leaders in the highlandwear industry not just when it comes to our services and products but also in our sustainability pledge and environmental impact. 


Kilt outfit

A Kilt For Life

Our sustainability pledge all starts with our product itself. Master kiltmakers for more than 40 years, we take pride in the materials and craftspeople that we work with. All of our kilts are made from 100% worsted wool, meaning that they are incredibly durable and designed to be worn time and time again. We champion ‘slow fashion’ over ‘fast fashion’ and if looked after properly, our kilts can last a lifetime and beyond. Once you decide on your forever tartan, your kilt can be altered over the years and could even be passed down to future generations. Head to our kilt alterations page for more information on this service.


Handmade kilt

Made In Scotland 

Made in Scotland products are at the heart of what we do. We work closely with 3 environmentally conscious mills and the majority of our jackets and accessories are also made in Scotland or within the UK. We feel passionate about the craft of kiltmaking itself and do everything we can to support our local kiltmakers, as well as investing in training for our team to learn this ancient art. We work with many other Made in Scotland brands such as Orraman LeatherMacKinnon Watches and Islay Mist Whisky. We also have a partnership with Essence of Harris, who handcraft all of their products on the Isle of Harris and created a signature fragrance for our stores. We aim to continue collaborating with and supporting fellow Scottish craftspeople. Finally, we are proud supporters of The Campaign for Wool which aims to educate and promote the benefits of the fibre and the wool industry as a whole.


Tweed jacket

Rental Fashion 

Rental fashion has been a hot topic of conversation within the clothing industry for several years now. Kilt hire has been part of our services since 1985 and is a great option for sustainably conscious customers. Not only does this service allow our grooms, graduates and party-goers to sport a new look at every event, it means that they do not waste resources on clothing that may not be worn again. We are expanding our operations to be able to increase our output of hires each year. In order to help us do this, we have introduced Eco-Cabinet cleaning machines. This equipment is gentler on our garments, meaning they will last longer and not need to be replaced so often. The machines themselves run on minimal electricity and the water used gets recycled, meaning we use less water. Our hire items’ lifespan goes beyond just being part of our rental range. Our ex-hire kilts, jackets and accessories have a lot of life left in them and we feel strongly about nothing going to waste. Explore our Ex-Hire Collection here.

 Kilt hire outfits

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse 

While we always look at the bigger picture and what we can do in the long run to be more environmentally conscious, there are many smaller actions that our team takes everyday. All of our hire items are sent out in canvas bags which are reused along with our suit bags. Any items sold to customers are packaged in paper bags and boxes and we are always researching new materials and packaging to find the most eco-friendly options. Our stores underwent drastic makeovers in 2019, with the majority of the furniture and fittings being second hand items such as vintage sewing machines and repurposed wood. We continue this theme with all of our window displays and seasonal decorations. Finally, every week we donate socks, shirts and tartan offcuts to local charities. We feel strongly about supporting our local communities and charities and this is just a small gesture we can make to help them.


Kilt shop interior

The team here at MacGregor and MacDuff are proud of the progress we have made towards a more environmentally-friendly future and continue to look for ways to improve our sustainable practices. Whether you want to invest in a kilt for life or opt for a more sustainable outfit at your next event with our hire range, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. Call or email for more information about our services.