Next Day Delivery
Order before 12:00 PM, Monday to Friday (UK Mainland Only) for next day delivery. Our Next Delivery orders are dispatched using DPD. If your order includes any non-stock items, you can choose to have this item shipped immediately, while the rest will be dispatched when they are ready. Alternatively, you can opt for Standard Delivery to receive everything together.
Standard Delivery
Please be aware that our tartan accessories are handmade and go through a strict quality control process which means that they can take up to 5 weeks to make prior to being dispatched. For all other accessories please allow up to 4 weeks. One of our team will be in contact with you to confirm the timescales and keep you informed about your order. Our domestic orders are dispatched with either Royal Mail or DPD and our International orders are dispatched by Royal Mail’s International Services, DPD or UPS. Alternatively, you can collect your purchase from one of our stores at no extra cost.
Returns are accepted within 28 days of purchase and are subject to our returns policy. Click here for our returns policy.