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MacKenzie Modern (Strome)

Weight: 16oz

Tartan Samples

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A Brief History of Clan MacKenzie

Clan MacKenzie was a large highland Clan traditionally associated with Kintail and lands in Ross-shire. The MacKenzie Clan Motto is Luceo Non Uro (I shine, not burn) which makes reference to their drive to everything to the best of their abilities. 

The Mackenzies gained exceptional political eminence between the 15th and 17th century but the Clan was divided during the Jacobite uprising of 1745. Three highland MacKenzie companies were raised to fight alongside the British and a large number of Jacobite MacKenzies were prevented from joining the Jacobite army at Culloden after an attack from loyalist MacKay and Sutherland Highland Companies during their march towards the battle. 

Although the Clan’s history is full of interesting MacKenzies, Roderick MacKenzie is arguably the most notable. A son of a goldsmith and jeweler, Roderick MacKenzie lived a quiet life until Prince Charles returned to Scotland to raise an army against the British. Roderick MacKenzie was a staunch Jacobite and became an officer in the Prince’s Life Guards. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Prince Charlie and became the Prince’s personal bodyguard and decoy. Sources say that after Culloden, while the Prince was on the run, Roderick MacKenzie dressed as the Prince and made himself visible to British troops. He drew the Redcoats away from the direction of the Prince and refused to surrender. He was riddled with bullets and it’s said that his last words were “You have murdered your Prince”. Roderick MacKenzie's final act of bravery was enough to fool even the Duke Cumberland who reported to London that the Prince was dead. Prince Charlie was eventually able to escape Scotland unscathed.

The MacKenzie tartan consists of predominantly blues and greens and is available in ancient and modern variations. There is also a hunting alternative that consists of earthy colours which would have been used to blend into the terrain while out hunting for game. Modern MacKenzie tartan is available in our hire range and is a great choice for any occasion.
