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Bisset Ancient (Strome)

Weight: 16oz

Tartan Samples

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A Brief History of Clan Bisset

The Bisset Clan motto is Abscissa Virescit. (That torn down re-grows). The first known Bisset in Scotland was Henricus Byset who witnessed a charter of William the Lion, granted before 1198. His son was John Byset who witnessed a charter by Henry de Graham in 1204, obtained from the king a grant of lands in the north. 

The Bisset's became a fairly well-respected and wealthy family until its decline in fortunes after a Tournament held in Haddington in 1242. Walter Bisset, lord of Aboyne was defeated by the young Earl of Atholl. Walter was infuriated by his defeat and sought revenge. One evening, whilst the Earl slept in his home, Walter exacted his revenge by setting the house on fire, leading to the death of the Earl. Walter and his son John were exiled from the kingdom and excommunicated by the bishop of Aberdeen. There are still many Bisset's living in Aberdeenshire and Moray.  The family’s principal residence was the Lessendrum estate in Aberdeenshire from the 13th century until 1981. 

The Bisset ancient tartan features mainly greens with flashes of yellow and red, while the modern variation is mainly red with some blue and green. The Bisset tartan is an ancient tartan that matches well with a wide range of highlandwear accessories.
