Light and Comfortable Spring Kilt Styling
Spring is a great time of year to wear a kilt outfit. The days are starting to warm up but the nights still have a slight chill in the air, meaning that a kilt outfit is arguably the best choice for staying comfortable. During the day you can take your jacket off and not be too cool and when the air turns crisp, you can easily put it back on. To match the season that brings life back into nature, a tweed kilt outfit is a great choice. Consider the pastel colours of a Lovat option or our particular favourite, the Tarbert tweed. The tweed jacket choices not only blend seamlessly with the budding colours of spring but also add a touch of modern Scottish style. These options pair exceptionally well with brown and bronze accessories.

Cool and Breezy Summer Kilt Attire
Are kilts too hot for summer? No, especially not in Scotland. Wool is a great insulator, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer. That’s why it’s always better to choose a traditional kilt over a polyviscose option. A Ghillie Kilt Outfit is an easy choice for a casual summer event. The Ghillie shirt is light and breathable, making it perfect for hot days or destination weddings. For more formal events, the easiest way to keep cool is by opting to not wear a waistcoat with your outfit and by choosing breathable materials for your shirt selection. You can also go for a 7-yard kilt instead of the traditional 8-yard kilt option as there is slightly less material. While it won’t make a considerable difference to your actual temperature, a lighter kilt will help you feel more comfortable in the heat. Our Lomond Grey Kilt Outfit is an excellent choice for events as the lighter-coloured tweed will absorb less of the sun's energy, keeping you cooler than a darker tweed option. Ideal for outdoor weddings or gatherings. Chrome and antique accessories complement the sophistication of a Lomond outfit while matching the bright ambience of summer. Your sporran choice won't affect the temperature of your outfit, but opting for shorter fur sporrans is more fitting for summer events, as they provide a sleek, refined look without feeling too heavy.

Warm and Stylish Autumn Look
As the leaves start to change colour and the cooler temperatures revisit us, your kilt outfit choices need to become warmer again. The temperatures tend to hover around the same as they do in spring so a similar choice is acceptable. Tweed kilt outfits are definitely a great option but so are more traditional options like the Prince Charlie or Argyll. Woollen socks and possibly even something under your dress shirt are advisable for evening events. The most notable thing about autumn is the change in colours. From the leaves to the sun emitting an amber glow, browns, copper and bronze should be your go-to colour pallet for the season. Our Brown Tweed Kilt Outfit is an obvious choice but our recommendation is an Arran Tweed option. The navy of Arran matches seamlessly with the brown tones of autumn. Arran tweed also opens your accessory choices up, as there is little that doesn't match this popular tweed kilt outfit choice.

Cosy and Layered Winter Wardrobe
As mentioned previously, with kilts being made from wool, they do an exceptionally good job of keeping you warm in winter. You can also choose a slightly heavier weighted tartan for cooler celebrations which will help you feel that bit more comfortable. The dapper Argyll outfit is a stand-out choice for winter. With its black material and chrome buttons, the Argyll jacket almost mimics the dark skies and icy temperatures. For more casual occasions, we love the look of a woollen jumper and ghillie boots paired with a kilt. It’s warm, comfortable and the pinnacle of modern highlandwear styling. Chrome accessories are a great choice for winter too as they match the twinkle of the season.